chit chat


Uwaa, judulnya RIP a.k.a Rest In Peace Televisi Indonesia, hehe. Kenapa aku kasih judul kayak gitu? Well, ada alasannya kok. Yep alasan ini muncul setelah berhari-hari aku nontonin acara di tv. Sebelumnya aku udah lama banget nggak nonton tv , lebih sering streaming kalo nggak gitu nonton anime di lepi. Btw, aku nggak punya televisi… Lanjutkan membaca RIP TELEVISI INDONESIA


My Addiction This Month (February)

My highest addiction this month has to be Hanae Natsuki a.k.a Hanaecchi a.k.a Nacchan. He is like my favorite seiyuu for the rest of my life. I just simply love his voice at the first time i heard it. It just like eerrr. Never get enough of his refreshing yet naughty voice. Hahaha. Every night… Lanjutkan membaca My Addiction This Month (February)